Paul is a former United States Marine Corps sergeant who served as an infantry squad leader. His training and experience include two years of safeguarding and transportation of strategic nuclear weapons, three years of combat operations with deployments to the Middle East, martial arts, weapons, and leadership training, and combat medical training. Paul attended college and earned a bachelor’s degree in psychology and criminology. He later attended graduate school and received a master’s degree in leadership. During this time Paul began a career in Executive Protection. Primarily working as a residential guard and providing executive protection for celebrities and other high-profile clients. Paul transitioned to law enforcement and was employed as a sworn peace officer in California. During his time as a peace officer, Paul was a member of S.W.A.T., a firearms instructor, a Terrorism Liaison Officer, a member of the Dignitary Protection Team, and Riot Control Team. Paul then decided to pursue a career in the private sector full-time as a security professional from 2019 to the present. Paul is currently the Regional Manager for the Americas and oversees operations in NORAM and LATAM.